First Patch! Bug fixes and QOL improvements

 Thank you for you feedback! Thanks to you the project becomes better and more convenient!


  • Added Crystal flask mechanic
  • Added required EXP amount to next level in main menu characteristics

  •  Water should be much more transparent with top layer being almost 100% Transparency.
  •  Fontain bug after gates open
  •  dragonfly swarm
  •  tab does not close the game menu. Partialy
  •  On the pause and status screens, I would recommend anchoring the text on the right to the right to prevent it from drawing out of bounds.
  •  I would add a system that stops doors from closing when enemies are near them to reduce annoyance
  •  Showing the amount of experience needed for next level up on the status menus would also be a nice QOL improvement
  •  "Closed on Key" is improper grammar, something like "Requires Key" would be more ideal
  •  Kraken overpowered
  •  The skeletons can hit you with their vertical attack while standing directly behind them
  •  You continue to sprint after dropping off a cliff
  •  Warning: Script Msg: Divide by zero: Divide_VectorFloat LogScript: Warning: Script Msg called by: Walk_Skeleton_AnimBlueprint_C /Game/WesternShore_Map2.WesternShore_Map2:PersistentLevel.Enemy_MimicSkeleton_C_UAID_00FFF2AF7F52D5E501_1177643474.CharacterMesh0.Walk_Skeleton_AnimBlueprint_C_2147477043
  •   Fish is fast


95 days ago

Get King's Field ll Remade

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