Third patch! Minor new features and bug fixes.

Thank you for you feedback! Thanks to you the project becomes better and more convenient!


  • Barrels can be destroyed.
  • Lamps can be lit.
  • S-Knight now makes sense to attack outside of its shell.
  • Armor on skeletons can now be destroyed.

         BUGS FIXED:

  •  "Cancel" in options is written as "Cansel"
  •  If you melee then sprint, the magic bar will start to recharge after the melee animation ends and you can cast spells while sprinting
    here's a clip of it
  • If you use for example the wind crystal and hit ESC on the animation it will stop. The crystal is then gone and you did not learned the Spell
  •  If a slime dies you can hit him endlessly. It only despawns if you stop hitting it.
  • There is an area just past the kraken with a few dragonfly enemies and 2 smaller squids that leads to the waterfall cave. upon dropping into the water i was clipped into the ground and could walk around under the map - Couldn't reproduce it, but I increased the kill zone in that area.
  • The dragonflys can spawn under water and if you go to near the game crashes.
  •  There's no hit sound when the dragonfly is without its tail.
  • S-Knights were clipping into each other and into walls too much.


    33 days ago

    Get King's Field ll Remade

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