Second Patch! Save system and boss rework

 Thank you for you feedback! Thanks to you the project becomes better and more convenient!


  • Pause - partially
  • Boss Kraken rework - partially
  • Save system rework
  • FOW
  • Mouse trail
  • When you pick up a new item, show on the screen the name and type. Don't have to be like KF1, but a text like this: Herb (Consumable) - partially

         BUGS FIXED:

  •  Setting an item like a flask with water removes it from the quick item after it's usage. It would be nice it was kept, alternating to empty flask. Or being kept as is, but locking usage, as there's not one in inventory anymore.
  •  A lot of the past tense words are wrong like "Learnd" and "Unlockd" should be "Learned" and "Unlocked"
  • Fish movement


87 days ago

Get King's Field ll Remade

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